Day to Day Life and Dialysis

The blog of a 26 year-old dialysis and liver patient in Memphis, Tennessee giving a day to day (or week to week... or whenever she feels like telling you) recount of the ups and downs of life at the moment.

Tuesday, November 06, 2007


Ok... put the searching for a newspaper on hold... I wonder if Time comes in Spanish... Anyway, what is going on in my life at the moment? Nothing really worth talking about. I think I am like most offspring that are ambivalent towards family. One minute you love the next you wonder how and why you are related to them. I think that I am learning to accept them and the craziness (including my own) and leave it that. I didn't chose my family, but in the end my family sticks by me... even when I come up with the most outlandish decisions about my life... like law school... I mean, really, what was I thinking. And now they are backing me in my application to school in California. It's funny when other people know that you can and will do something but you, yourself, have no idea how and when it will come about. The application for my number 1 school has been kicking my butt mainly because I have no idea what my career goals are at this point in time. I just want to get my degree and figure it out later. But, apparently, that is not plausible. My mom even got on me to finish the application a few days ago. And I actually did part of it, amid the thought that I am 27 years old... why is she making me finish this application? But as I completed part of it I realized that she was looking at something that I wasn't. The road ahead. I guess it's different watching you child get back on her feet after a long stretch of being knocked down and kicked about. So, she sees this as my time to get up and run. And I am really trying to get there... hence the endless preparation, volunteer work, saving money to move. Given the circumstances failure is not an option. And that alone keeps me putting one foot in front of the other.

In other news... well there really isn't any other news. Men are crazy and I'll leave that at that. I love being me and having the confidence that I have now... the extra weight hasn't hurt either. I love the fact that I am working and I love the fact that I am becoming more and more comfortable with who I am, my family and friends, and all of the events that have made me who I am. Yea for trials and tribulations... that's a little strange to be glad that you have gone through some pretty strenuous events, but I honestly believe we wouldn't be the people that we are without having overcome some struggle no matter how big it is. On that note... I really need to get back to work!

Que Tal!

OK... so, I am applying to schools, working, and doing volunteer work! And am having a time juggling all of this, but things are going well at the moment! Things seem to be falling into place, but I can't let myself get comfortable because that's when life tends to dish out the curve balls and Lord knows that I have had one too many of those over the past couple of years. Right now I wish I could say I was coasting along, but there is too much work to be done to be in coast. Anyway, I have to find a subscription to a Spanish newspaper to keep up with the current events and so on... wish me luck because that will be hard to come by in Memphis!