Day to Day Life and Dialysis

The blog of a 26 year-old dialysis and liver patient in Memphis, Tennessee giving a day to day (or week to week... or whenever she feels like telling you) recount of the ups and downs of life at the moment.

Wednesday, September 26, 2007


Ok... so I just read an article about Bill O'Reilly and his "pleasant" lunch at Sylvia's, a black owned restaurant. Apparently he thought it amazing that blacks sat down, like whites and other races for that matter, with no drama. That amazed me because he also apparently stated that no one was screaming "Yo, MF get me some more tea" (I didn't quote that directly but anyway). And in the same breath stated that not all blacks acted like Twista, Ludacris, and some other rapper. What in the hell?! Please don't tell me that his perception of the majority of blacks in the US hinge upon the remarks, actions, and attitudes of people from the hip-hop community. If that were the case, then should I use Marilyn Manson, Ozzie Osbourne, or Britney Spears as a guide to my understanding and perception of white America? I mean, most of us do have sense, and we work hard to make a living, but to imply that we be held to the same standards as three rappers is ludicrous on his part. Yes, some are fueled by the lifestyles and mannerisms of those three people, as are members of white America fueled by Britney Spears and Marilyn Mason, but that doesn't mean that my next door neighbor, my colleague, or my classmate should be held to that standard. Why would he hold black America to the standard of three rappers?

He also stated that having dinner at this black owned restaurant was like eating at any other restaurant, like having a nice Italian dinner in NY. It was funny that he thinks that black people are so backwards that we do not have the sense or the ability to be successful. Being in such a highly publicized position, I thought he would be a little more open-minded... or intelligent for that matter. I guess ignorance and stupidity are bliss when you lack common sense. Then again, I am not surprised at all by his cultural ignorance. He probably thinks all Hispanics that come here are illegal and criminals. He seems to have a knack for latching on to one particular blight in a cultural community and panning it to somehow fit millions of people. I wonder what he thinks about white people. since he is one and is on the privileged side?

Monday, September 24, 2007

Working Girl

I've finally found a j-o-b! And it's with the government, which is great because in the end I plan on working with the Department of Homeland Security once I have received my MA. Other than that I don't really have a lot of time to spare with completing school and scholarship applications, working, and volunteering everywhere I possibly can. Hopefully I can get other people to pay for my MA program (and not other people that I have to pay back later). Anyway, duty calls. I have to go over the GRE! yay...

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

No Title

Things have been a little weird in my world lately. I don't think that some people believe leaving the past in the past, others don't believe they are wrong... ever. I don't think I want to elaborate on either of those at the moment. I will say that it is funny when people think that you are wrong for believing in and reacting the way that you do. I am amazed at how small- minded people can be... especially people that I see everyday. I am learning to move through the world and not let things bother me so much. I figure when that person finally figures out that the world really does not revolve him and his views then may things may get a little better. But I decided that I am not going to die from any of my life experiences, and I am not holding my breath.

Other than trying to cope with the stupidity at home, things are going well. I have thrown myself into studying for the GRE and getting my applications ready. Its time to stop playing around and get on the career path. I have a few opportunities here, but I want to be the best in my field. So, I am trying to get into one of the few schools that actually offers a MA in translation and interpretation and not just a MA in a foreign language. I think it'll be a great help. I haven't thrown myself into the Spanish scene here like I should have. It's a little daunting for me for some reason. I know that I am really good at speaking Spanish and will make a damn good translator/interpreter but, for some reason, I have this weird hang up about speaking to native Spanish speakers. It makes my stomach hurt and I get really sweaty. I feel like I sound like the quintessential American but I have a fairly thick Southern drawl to add to my butchering of the Spanish language. Of course, all of this is in my mind. Most Spanish speakers end up asking me what Spanish-speaking country I am from. Last week a man in New Orleans asked if I was from Honduras. I am still trying to figure out whether that is good or bad as I have never met a person from Honduras. I may have sounded quite raggedy, as I like to call it. The problem is that I am not taking advantage of the offerings here to practice Spanish, which, as I mentioned before, is completely my own fault. So, I am trying to become more involved with the Hispanic community here. It can all go one of two ways, either I will reconnect with my inner Spanish diva, or I will completely bomb... Ok, well actually it can only go one way because failure is not an option. So, since I will not fail, that leaves me to reconnect with my inner Spanish diva... Now... if I only knew where to find her...