Day to Day Life and Dialysis

The blog of a 26 year-old dialysis and liver patient in Memphis, Tennessee giving a day to day (or week to week... or whenever she feels like telling you) recount of the ups and downs of life at the moment.

Sunday, November 12, 2006

My granny's leaving!

That last post was merely an observation! It wasn't really a rant against anyone... well, it kind of was, but not in an angry manner...

My granny is moving to New Orleans, Louisiana in January. I am sad that she is leaving, but I am happy that she has decided to make a move and do something for herself. She is moving in with my cousin (who's in his second year of law school) and his wife (who is a practicing dentist). They have everything set up, they are just waiting for her to decide the day that she is actually going to move. Yesterday she began going through her closets and her attic and discarding clothes and anything else that she has no use for. And she put me to work for the entire time that I was there! And I was trying to escape cleaning the house that my parents bought by going to her house! That didn't work! But it made me feel wonderful helping her prepare for a new phase in her life. My mom is excited and a little sad that she is leaving. She felt that she couldn't do enough to help her out, especially after a storm blew through Memphis and a tree fell over part of her house. My mom owns the house that my grandmother is renting, and after this year it will be paid off. My mom had decided that she was going to give the house to her. But my step-dad was supposed to help in the renovations and whatever repairs that the house would need. But my step-dad is an ass and tries to spite everyone, and it is no different with my grandmother. Her house in complete disrepair. Her washing machine is not properly connected, and the water drains onto her kitchen floor. So, when she washes clothes, it is an entire process, and it takes a whole weekend. The roof is not really stable where the tree fell. There are so many things wrong that seriously piss me off about the condition she is living in. And my step-dad has the audacity to barge into the house and demand that she pay rent when it is late. That pisses me off so bad. My mom keeps believing that he will say what he says he will do, but she knows that they are merely warmed carbon dioxide coming from deep within his chest. His words are poison. I think he thrives on misery and demands that he have company!

But my grandmother has decided to leave it all here. She has decided to live for herself and do things for herself that she has not done in a long time. She has raised her childre, grandchildren, and now her great-grandchildren. I look at her and see the weariness in her eyes. She is beginning to show her age, and beginning to slow down a little. But when she talks about moving, her mood changes. She smiles brightly, and her shoulders lift. It makes me want to cry to see her so happy!

All of this means that there will be no more Sunday dinners, no more spending Saturdays shopping, cooking, or whatever it is that she wants to do that day. I have been spending as much time as possible with her over the past few weeks. And it's fun. I have a really close relationship with my granny (me and the cousin in New Orleans are probably two of the closes of her grandchildren).

It all makes me wonder what will happen to my cousins who wholly depend on her for their sustenance and well-being. But it is wonderful that my granny has decided to make them fend for themselves. All of this will be a little hard for many people in my family to deal with. But as they say, they will get over it and make the best of their lives. Who knows... I'm only concerned about my granny, and I know that this will be a great opportunity for her!

I'm late. I have to get dressed! I would be late to my own funeral... maybe someone will forget the casket... or my body... who knows.


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