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I was watching this infomercial about this guy that said he'd found a seven day cure for all illnesses. On the screen it ran a ticker of all of these ingredients found in the beverage. It was funny because people were really buying into the fact that all you need is the concoction that he had come up with to heal serious diseases and other illnesses. I can see that in certain cases but one lady was talking about it being a cure for kidney failure and cancer. I have known people with cancer and I have have eperienced kidney failure first hand, and once these disease reach a certain point (as they did with my friend and myself) there is no way in hell a liquid cure is available for diseases such as that. You get to a point where the body can no longer fight off the cancer cells because they are growing too fast. And with kidney failure, once your kidney function reaches about 20% (give or take) your only options are a transplant or dialysis because the nephrons in the kidneys can no longer regenerate themselves. They begin to literally shrivel and die, causing the actual kidney to shrink as well. The host (and this is only my perception) would lead you to believe that the majority of manufactured medication is bad no matter what benefits it may have for a patient. And I agree that medications do take a toll on the body, both physically and mentally (believe me about the mental part because I am required to take over 20 pills a day as part of my immunosuppresant regimen), and that in some instances manufacturing companies care more about making money rather than providing a reliable product for patients. Then again, different people have different reactions to certain medications... who's to say someone won't have an adverse reaction to the concoction that this man is peddling. I also know that the American healthcare system leaves a lot to be desired, especially for poor minorities and the elderly, but having gone through all that i have gone through and having been blessed to have a wonder team of doctors, nurses and technicians (not all of them were great, but overall I think I've had the best team God could possibly send me), what he was saying was a bunch of bull. It was as if he wanted people to stop taking this and that and follow his plan blindly, no questions asked. At least with the doctors I had a chance to ask questions and my doctors included me in every aspect of my care. I don't know if that is a normal experience for patients here. I have heard many people complain about the standard of care they were receiving from the various team members they worked with. Even people who had the same doctors complained. I don't know if it was just my curiosity about everything that was going on, or what. I just asked so many questions until my doctors just automatically explained everything in layman's terms for me. I wonder if there are people who have bought into this guy's theory and swear by his concoction. I wonder what illnesses or diseases they are suffering from. I wonder if their diseases are acute (which occurs rapidly and unexpectedly and can normally be reversed if caught in time) or chronic (which is degenerative and occurs over a long period of time and is a bit harder to treat because it will eventually come full circle). I'm just a little curious about why they chose to buy into the hype...
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