What is it with the judge/courtroom shows?
Why is there a proliferation of courtroom shows on tv now? And why are most of the judges minority men and women? Judge Judy is the only white woman I know of, and Judge Wapner (I think the spelling is wrong) before the show got a new judge, who happens to be a hispanic woman. It makes me wonder about the motives of the judges themselves. Are they simply riding the current of people's interests in such shows, or were there some political/career motivations behind becoming syndicated legal personalities. What were their records like before becoming tv judges? What will happen once they return to private practice? Will people take them seriously, or will they be remembered as "Judge So and So" from channel whatever? I know that they had to fight hard to become the judges they are, especially because most of them are either minority and/or women. So, it just makes me wonder if all they have fought for and accomplished is not in vain because they made the decision to be put on tv and seen by millions of people... or because the people who frequent the shows have some overly dramatic situation that allowed them to get their fifteen seconds of fame. I wonder if such things will stagnate their careers after while, or if they will even return to careers after having participated in such shows... hmmm... i was just wondering....
At 6:49 PM,
Gela said…
I'm not sure, but wasn't Star Jones a tv judge? I think I heard that somewhere. I should probably go check it now on wikepedia
At 3:49 PM,
neena maiya (guyana gyal) said…
All I know is, I luuuuve Judge Joe Brown, love his accent.
There's one white guy, but I can't remember his name. He said something to a woman in court who'd gotten involved with a real loser guy. What he said stuck with me: "what is it about some women, you see a guy, you think, 'aw, he's just a bit broken, I can fix him.' Why don't you just get a guy who does not need to be fixed?"
At 4:02 PM,
neena maiya (guyana gyal) said…
By the way, here's a fellow blogger who's had 3 kidney transplants, he's a Brit., read his post, "It's taken quite a while, but better late than never." Here's his link: http://www.andyramblings.co.uk
At 8:03 PM,
E. Brown said…
I am from the same city as Judge Joe Brown. My family knows his actually!
At 11:58 AM,
neena maiya (guyana gyal) said…
Oh please, tell your family to tell Judge Joe Brown's family that he has fans all the way in Guyana, St. America :-)
At 11:38 AM,
Poker Rooms said…
Rather valuable answer
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